General terms
Driving license
Tenants and Drivers age
Evros Car insurance and Excess amount
1) Third party
What is it?
As it comes to insurance ,it covers death and injuries of others, including the people in Evros Car (except the driver of the Evros Car) up to the amount of 1,000.00 € per person as well as material damages to third parties, up to the amount of 1,000.00€ per loss.
It doesn’t cover total or partial theft of the car, theft of personal property located on or in the vehicle of Evros Car. Death or injury of the driver of Evros Car vehicle, damages of Evros Car vehicle.
Cost: included in price
2)Joint insurance
Known as : CDWor LDW in Australia and the US.
What covers?
If you happen to damage the vehicle Evros Car, the tenant is covered by the cost of the repair. However, the driver is obligated to pay the amount of liability for damage, which is up to 600 € + VAT for car groups A,B,C , 675 € + VAT for car groups D,E, 795€ +VAT for car groups F,G ,915 € + VAT for car group H, 1.000€ + VAT for car group I , regardless tenant’s fault.
The excess amount includes repair costs, storage and loss of vehicle use.
What is not covered?
Damage caused by intent or negligence
Damage caused by using the wrong fuel
Losses arising from breach of contract terms
Damage caused in the bottom, roof, antenna, car mirrors and tires or during which Evros Car vehicle was in a ship.